La Semilla Climate Resiliency Development Project Wins Merit Award from AIA San Diego
Casa Familiar has won the Merit Award from the American Institute for Architects (AIA) San Diego for their innovative project, La Semilla! La Semilla is a Climate Resiliency Research Center in San Ysidro, showcasing Environmental Justice in action. Congratulations to Casa Familiar, local residents, and McCullough Landscape Architects for their bold vision and community-driven approach.
More about the La Semilla Project
La Semilla is an innovation incubator space to serve as the launchpad of a neighborhood-scale environmental justice and climate resiliency readiness in the heart of the San Ysidro community. The name La Semilla, or “the seed”, refers to the potential catalyzing environmental justice efforts and interventions that can sprout from this project. The project serves as one link in a chain of shared civic spaces in the neighborhood that will provide meaningful programming and outdoor experiences.
La Semilla is a demonstration area for affordable climate resiliency strategies. Through architectural components, site features, and special programming, the space showcases community focused environmentally responsible strategies that can be replicated by the community.
The project is envisioned to tackle critical climate challenges that our environmental injustice community faces, which are air quality, clean transportation, smart sustainable building, water conservation, energy generation and conservation, and heaty food growth. Additionally, the project is designed with climate resilient and sustainable strategies that are far beyond what Title 24 voluntary measures and even LEED requires.